Has your child had a Well Check in the past year? Summer often means summer camps and international travel. Most camps will require clearance from your child’s medical provider to participate and children often need vaccines or other medications prior to traveling out of the country. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children between the ages of 2 and 18 receive yearly well child checkups. At each checkup our providers will complete a generic physical form that may be used for school or camps for one year after the date of the visit as well as review the child’s immunization record. If it has been longer than one year since your child was last seen for a well child checkup, please plan to schedule a visit prior to camp season. We now offer daily a few same day well child checkups to hopefully accommodate those last minute plans. At the visit we will not only measure and weigh your child but also will discuss any issues of concern to you or your child and offer guidance on upcoming age related issues.
If you are unsure of when your child’s last checkup occurred please call the office and our staff will be happy to assist you.