Babies will grow adequately on any of the commercially prepared formulas. Vitamin supplements are not necessary for formula-fed infants, however, an iron fortified formula is necessary for adequate iron intake. Formula should be used for the first 12 months before cow’s milk is introduced.
You may warm formula in a pan of hot water or a bottle warmer, but be sure to check the temperature of both the nipple and the formula before giving to the baby as it is easy to burn a baby’s mouth. Do not use the microwave to warm bottles because of uneven heating of the formula and the bottle. Remember to follow directions for appropriate preparation of powder formula. Ready to feed liquid formula should not require extra water.
Bottle fed babies, as with breast fed babies, should be fed on demand. Generally, bottle fed infants will eat every 3-4 hours. A baby’s inake will vary at times. Do no force him/her to complete the bottle. Bottles should never be propped or given in a crib. Bottle propping may cause accidental choking and also deprives the baby of the physical contact and nurturing which are important parts of nutrition.